Adolescent Assessments
We offer 4 unique assessment pathways for adolescents up until 18 years old.
Uniquely Adapted For Adolescents
We specialise in young people with ADHD and/or Autism, we hold assessments uniquely adapted to their particular age group.
- Not missing school. Appointments from Monday to Sunday, after 4pm and during school holidays
- Interactive. Assessments are held across 2 or more appointments on different days
- Private word. You and/or your adolescent can speak privately with the doctor
- Time to think. 3 to 5 week gap (you choose) before the assessment concluded, allowing your adolescent/family time to reflect
- Flexible. We also offer Zoom, we find teenagers open up more on Zoom
We proudly follow NICE and Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) guidelines.
Our 4 Adolescent Pathways
We recognise no adolescent is the same, we offer 4 unique assessment pathways.
Browse our interactive guide or read below.
(1) Standard Assessment (face-to-face or Zoom / 1.5 hours)
Assessment Part 1 (of 2) with your choice of Psychiatrist/Paediatrician
Face-to-Face or Zoom
1 hourIncludes:
- 1 hour appointment with adolescent and parent(s), to discuss history and presenting issues
- After Part 1 appointment, providing relevant questionnaires
- Bespoke letter (approx. 1.5 to 3 pages) within 3-4 weeks
Assessment Part 2 (of 2) with the same Psychiatrist/Paediatrician as Part 1
Face-to-Face or Zoom
30 minsHeld 3 to 5 weeks after Part 1 and includes:
- 30 min appointment with adolescent and parent(s), to discuss:
- Discuss questionnaire results
- Deliver diagnosis outcome
- Discuss treatment options and agree treatment plan
- Commence treatment if appropriate
- Reviewing any background reports provided by parents
- Any prescriptions (if applicable)
- Bespoke letter (approx. 1 to 1.5 pages) within 3-4 weeks
Please note, there may be further appointments required depending on case complexity and if symptoms of Autism are present.
(2) Multidisciplinary Assessment (face-to-face or Zoom / 2 hours)
Assessment Part 1 (of 2) with Dr Oliver Schauman (Psychologist)
1 hourIncludes:
- 1 hour appointment with adolescent and parent(s) to discuss history and presenting issues
- After Part 1 appointment, providing relevant questionnaires
- Bespoke letter (approx. 1.5 to 3 pages) within 3-4 weeks
Assessment Part 2 (of 2) with a Psychiatrist of your choice
Face-to-face or Zoom
1 hourHeld 3 to 5 weeks after Part 1 and includes:
- 1 hour appointment with adolescent and parent(s), to:
- Discuss questionnaire results
- Deliver diagnosis outcome
- Discuss treatment options and agree treatment plan
- Commence treatment if appropriate
- Reviewing any background reports provided by parents
- Any prescriptions (if applicable)
- Bespoke letter (approx. 1 to 1.5 pages) within 3-4 weeks
Please note, there may be further appointments required depending on case complexity and if symptoms of Autism are present.
(3) Multi-Psychiatrist Assessment (Zoom and face-to-face / 2 hours)
Assessment Part 1 (of 2) with Dr Nicoleta Turtoi (Psychiatrist)
via Zoom
1 hourIncludes:
- 1 hour appointment with adolescent and parent(s) to discuss history and presenting issues
- After Part 1 appointment, providing relevant questionnaires
- Bespoke letter (approx. 1.5 to 3 pages) within 3-4 weeks
Assessment Part 2 (of 2) with Dr Nicoleta Turtoi (Psychiatrist)
via Zoom
30 minsHeld 3 to 5 weeks after Part 1 and includes:
- 30 min appointment with adolescent and parent(s) to:
- Discuss questionnaire results
- Deliver diagnosis outcome
- Discuss treatment options
- No medication will be prescribed, if appropriate this would be at the following appointment.
- Reviewing any background reports provided by parents
- Bespoke letter (approx. 1 to 1.5 pages) within 3-4 weeks
Please note, there may be further assessment appointments required depending on case complexity and if symptoms of Autism are present.
Treatment Appointment with a different Psychiatrist of your choice
Face-to-face or Zoom
30 minsIf no diagnosis was given during the assessment, then you’re welcome to cancel this appointment.
- 30 min appointment with adolescent and parent(s), to:
- Discuss treatment options and agree treatment plan
- Commence treatment
- Provide any prescriptions (if applicable)
- Bespoke letter (approx. 1 to 1.5 pages) within 3 – 4 weeks
(4) Autism Assessment (face-to-face and Zoom / 4 to 6 hours)
Our Autism Assessment assess for all the same conditions that our other pathways do, but also includes Autism.
You’re welcome to commence any of our other assessment pathways first, and to then switch into our Autism Assessment Pathway at a later stage if you wish.
Under NICE guidelines assessments for Autism consist of multiple assessments, held with clinicians of different specialities:
- Initial Assessment face-to-face or Zoom (Psychiatrist, Paediatrician or Psychologist)
- ADOS-2 Assessment face-to-face (Psychologist); plus
- ADI-R Assessment face-to-face or Zoom (Psychiatrist) or 3Di-sv Assessment via Zoom (Occupational Therapist); plus
- Feedback Appointment face-to-face or Zoom (Psychiatrist or Paediatrician)
The above appointments take between 4 to 6 hours to complete (depending on your preferences) and each component is held on a different day.