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Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) ​and Conduct Disorder (CD) may be diagnosed when a child is defiant, aggressive and anti-social to a greater extent than expected for their age.

They often misread situations and have difficulty empathising with others and interpret others’ behaviour as aggressive which makes them responds with aggression.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

  • less severe than CD
  • present in approx. 5% of boys / 2% of girls
  • likely a combination of a child’s home environment and inherited factors

Conduct Disorder (CD)

  • more severe than ODD
  • has either an early onset (by the age of 10) or an adolescent onset (more common)
  • four times more common in boys than girls
  • present in approx. 6% of children

Signs & Symptoms

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Common symptoms in children are:

  • A strong will, disrespect and opposition to adults or people in authoritative positions
  • Being defiant in almost any situation
  • Temper tantrums disproportionate to the child’s age
  • Argumentativeness, lying, anger, and resentment
  • Spite

Children with ODD have difficulty making then keeping friends as they purposely like to annoy people. Children with ODD often have ADHD, depression and anxiety.

Conduct Disorder (CD)

There are many symptoms of CD such as:

  • Bullying
  • Cruelty to people and animals
  • Stealing from people through aggression
  • Forcing someone into sex
  • Destruction of property such as fire
  • Lying to others
  • Running away from home
  • Absenteeism from school

Treatment Options

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

  • Not treated with medication but often with talking therapies.

Conduct Disorder (CD)

  • Treatment tends to involve talking therapy (including family therapy) and potentially medication.

Assessment Elements

  1. Some questionnaires may be required to be completed by yourself or other third parties (if you are in agreement)
  2. Detailed questions will be asked during the assessment process regarding your child's history, presenting concerns and you and your child's desired outcomes
  3. Any pre-existing letters or materials from other clinicians who have assessed or treated your child may be requested
  4. Depending on your child's or family's medical history, further cardiac investigations may be required. If so, we can provide you contact details of trusted clinics where these can be undertaken, or you can ask your GP for a referral
  5. Weight, height, pulse and blood pressure may potentially be taken or requested (if applicable)
  6. Psychoeducation strategies offered and written resources provided
  7. If Conduct Disorder (CD) is diagnosed then medication may potentially be discussed and prescribed (if consent obtained) during the assessment process and if there are no significant physical health concerns
  8. If medication is commenced, then regular 30 minute review appointments (approx. every 1 to 3 months) at our centre will be required to safely monitor your child's progress

Behavioural Disorders Pathways

Read about our unique behavioural disorders pathways for:

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